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Forum Posts

Jan 10, 2020
In General Discussions
So I ordered my first doll. I finally settled on Heather "32". I ordered her on the 8th and it is now the 10th and she came this morning. Wow. Nice fast service! Kudos to your shipping department. First, let me state right off, that if you've never ordered a doll before or have never even seen one up close and personal, you are not really prepared for the weight. I was huffing, puffing, and panting heavily in a very short time...and that was just getting the box from the front door into my bedroom. Then came the unboxing. Wow. Right off the bat, nice packing job. Very safely ensconced in that box. I wasn't totally prepared to have the head separate from the body, so a little fright there. But once I realized that's how it is supposed to be shipped, things went a little more smoothly. Boy, was there a lot of stuff in that box. And absolutely none of it could I read. Fortunately, Google Translate did an effective job of helping me figure out what everything was. I like the pink teddy and robe that came with her. I love the feel of the skin and the wiggle that accompanies every movement. Getting her into various positions was an adventure in learning, but I figured it out. I even like the little pink blanket she came wrapped in. I had a great time. A good product and, having been warned about things like the fingers and how to pick her up, I am very happy with my purchase.
Dec 31, 2019
In General Discussions
So I have decided to purchase one of the dolls, but I am curious about a few details that don't seem to be covered in the FAQ and that nobody has asked within this forum. It would be my first doll purchase (I don't count the incredibly cheap blow-ups I seemed to enjoy in my 20's), so I am unfamiliar with a few things that might seem routine to those who have owned them before. In no particular order: 1.) What is the best way to store them (I don't believe the doll I am considering is a stand-up model)? 2.) How does the wig fit/stay in place? If I move the doll across the pillow, will I have to be adjusting the wig so it doesn't fall off? 3.) I see the USB warmer, but that is presumably for just the openings. Is there a simple way to warm the body itself (warm bath, electric blanket, regular blanket, etc.)? 4.) Store them clothed or naked? Thanks in advance for your opinions/answers.


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