So I'm watching this movie on Disney+ and all of a sudden I realize that this 18 year old has the look I'm going for. Mostly. So I saved a screenshot.
Then I thought, maybe I'm not the only one who might find inspiration here. The eyebrows? Eyelashes on the top, but not the bottom and the way top eyelashes fade into eyeliner? The lips are tinted, but not glossed. If you look close, her cheeks are actually blushed.
For me, the teeth are still a work in progress. I paused that project so I could pursue printing a TPU plug for the hole at the end of her vaginal cavity. The upgrades to my 3d printer are complete, now I'm working on getting it going again. Then I've got to learn how to print TPU.
The "bug eyes" are obviously way too big. Bigger than anime, really. Still... anybody got a link to where I could get some actual green eyes that fit the SDH-C22 head? The green eyes I got from MLD? Well if you've seen any of the pictures I've posted, you'd probably agree that they're not actually green.
I hope my screenshot and observations help out somebody else who is pursuing that "college girl" look.
Неймовірно, що ми тут можемо поспілкуватися з приводу новин, це неаби як круто та важливо на сьогодняшній день, бо без новин ми вже не можемо уявити свій день. Та і загалом, зараз новини для кожного з нас стали не від'ємною частино життя, саме тому треба використовувати якісний новинний портал, щоб завжди бути в курсі подій. Мені до прикладу допомагає знайти об'єктивну та ретельно обгрунтовану інформацію саме Glavcom, котрий створений для того, щоб читачі мали змогу отримувати актуальні та перевірені новини. Завдяки йому, я можу спокійно отримувати новини про Тернопіль, а також про інші міста моєї країни. Також окрім новин Тернополя, мене дуже тішить той факт, що він є найкращим новинним порталом нашої країни, котрий завжди надає всі новини та події. Їх журналісти пильно стежать за подіями, надаючи нам можливість бути в курсі найсвіжіших новин.
For makeup work, I often need high quality printed images. I make something like brochures out of them, and it’s cool that now there are services like printsafari, which you can view more here. The website makes it easy to customize the brochure the way I need it. And it doesn't cost too much, surprisingly.
I would also love some Disney babes! Jasmine and especially elastigirl!
What about maybe designing and eye that plugs into the socket and goes around the eye like a goggle? Might work
I am very picky about eye color for Jenny. It took us a lot of trial and error to find the best color. I bought her a set from a gentleman on the doll forum who makes them. He gave me a color pallet to choose a set number of colors from. I choose every single shade of brown he had and a few blue because I had leftover choices lol. Jenny and I played with colors for a few days until we settled on her current color. Unfortunately I only have his doll forum info.
I don’t think you actually got Green Eyes, with Aradhel. They look light Brown, to me...
This is what the Green Eyes from MLD look like...
There are other Shades of Green available, from other Doll Vendors, too...I found these on EBay. I have bought Eyes from Racyme, off EBay, a couple of takes about 3 weeks to receive them, as they are coming from China...