We added a tiny update & question 10/02
* * * * * New Update - 10/01 * * * * *
Update - we've added to our story - 9/14 - Watch out for the claws, they are sharp.
We've added another Tiny Update - 9/11
Update - we've added to our story - 9/9
We've added another Tiny update - on 9/7
Update - we've added to our story - 9/6
Update - we've added to our story - 9/5.
Hi everyone,
Mom said that there was an elephant throwing around some kind of processed lunch meat, or something like that. Anyway some of what ever it was infected our story and it got erased by mistake. So, we're going to do it again because it was fun to do I've got lots more cloths to show off, and because there were some other people on the forum that enjoyed what we were posting, don't ask me why I thought we were just beings silly. Anyway, here we go.
Oh yeah, this version won't be the same as what was here before because the only place it was written down was here. This time we'll do it right, or so mom says. Anyway, it all started one day, a few months ago, I was was sneaking into the kitchen at the orphanage.
Why was I sneaking into the kitchen? It was the only way I could get anything to eat. Oh, you think everyone is treated the same in an orphanage? You've seen that Oliver musical 1 too many times. Here's the way meals work, being that I was the smallest, even if I was almost the oldest, I got to eat what everyone else left. That meant I was hungry most of the time. The cook was the only person who was nice to me. I helped her with dishes and she left food for me, hidden away.
Anyway, while I was sneaking into the kitchen Miss Hannigan caught me, she ran the orphanage, and she took me to her office, to talk with some old lady. The lady seemed nice and was really interested in me, don’t ask me why. We talked for a while and then the old lady left. No harm done and I didn’t expect to see her again, that is until 2 days later when she came back and we talked some more. What was really odd was that she actually seemed to be interested in me and how come I’m no taller than the the little kids, the ones that are 2 to 3 years old, but I’m really 16. Well, 15 years and 9 months at that time.
Well the old lady went away and I didn’t see or hear anything after that, that is for about 3 months. Then late one night, after lights out, Miss Hannigan came to my cot and had me get up and follow her. We went to her office where she had me put on a pink blanket over my pajamas. Then she took me to the bus station, pinned a name and address to my pajama top and gave me to a lady behind the counter. That lady took me out to a bus and had me sit in the seat just behind the driver. After a while some more people got on the bus. They all looked at me real funny, some of them started laughing, they all made me really sad. The bus was about half full when the driver closed the door and pulled away from the curb. I asked where we were going, he said the bus was going to LA, then he mumbled something about me getting somewhere before then. It was really late and I was tired, so after taking care of necessities, I snuggled up in my seat, wrapped in my blanket, and went to sleep.
I was rudely woke up by the bus driver, telling me that this is where I was to get off. So I climbed down from my seat, wrapped my blanket around my shoulders, and straightened my wig,
What, you didn’t know I wore a wig? Well I might tell you about it some day.
I carefully hopped down the steps of the bus and jumped out onto the curb, where I was met by a young lady from the bus company. She took my hand and led me into the bus station and guess who was there? The old lady that had been talking with me 3 months before. She was very polite and said thank you to the lady from the bus company. Then she bent down and picked me up and gave me a big hug. She told me that she had adopted me and that she’d take care of me from then on. She was surprised to find me in nothing but my pajamas a pink blanket and not even any shoes. Well, she said that my life was going to be better from then on, and it has been.
Hey everyone, mom wants to know if we should post additions to our story here, making one long thread, or should we create a new post for each chapter?
Let us know.
The pics of the garments on their own look almost like undies, but when they're being worn (in the second pic) they look fine as shorts. Very cute.
Hello everyone;
I've got a quick question and I'd like to hear from some of you.
Mom ordered these, the seller calls them underwear but I think they're too cute and want to wear them as shorts.
What do you think? Leave a comment and let us know.
Hello everyone, I know it’s been a while, we’ve been kind of busy.
Anyway, back to our story.
The next clothes to show up was my school uniform. School uniform? That’s what I asked. Why do I need a school uniform when I don’t plan of going to school. I explained that I wanted to be home schooled because of how badly all the other kids treated me. Mom assured me that this would not happen at this school. She explained that it was a special school with special students, and that nobody would tease me about being short. I just grumbled and said “What ever.” Then mom started to dress me in my new uniform. That’s when she noticed that something was wrong.
Mom discovered that none of the button holes had been opened, they were sewn but not opened, so you couldn't put a button through. Mom put me on the bed, told me not to move and went looking for her seam ripper.
What’s a seam ripper”
Yes, I know I could have put my arms down, but mom said not to move, and I was kind of in a silly mood.
When mom came back she asked, “Why are you holding your arms up?”
“Because you told me not to move.”
Mom laughed, saying, “You could have put your arms down.”
“But that would have been moving,” I replied.
“I didn’t mean it that literally,” she said.
“Just doing what I’m told,” I teased.
“Well come here and lets see if we can get these button holes fixed.”
Mom made quick work of the button holes, on both the blouse and the Jacket. Yes I have to wear a jacket. Once I was dressed I was really kind of impressed with the uniform, what do you guys think”
Yes, I know I’ll need some different shoes. They’re still in the works.
And this is my back pack. I asked about it being pink and kind of cute. Mom said there was nothing about what kind of back pack I to use, so she got one that would fit me and was cute.
But I don’t know if ruffles and bows are approved for part of the school uniform.
Oh yes, there’s an optional uniform for PE, I don’t know how mom found one in my size or if it’s really a PE uniform.
The sailor design isn’t really bad. I think the big red bow is a bit much though.
From the back it’s actually OK.
But I’m not sure the gold bloomers with ruffles exactly go with the blue skirt.
That’s it for today. We’ll work on catching up with the story as soon as we can.
Oh, by the way, if any of you adopt one of the other girls from the same home as I came from, spank them hard and make their bottoms bounce all around, they were probably mean to me and deserve a good spanking.
See ya.
What's the name of that amazing doll? I didn't see her in stock. Thanks!
Hi everyone,
Mom and I were busy yesterday so we didn’t have time to post anything, sorry about that. But I really wanted to show off some of my new clothes.
Lookie here, I’ve got new sandals and new socks and a really nice new skirt and a lovely new top with this ruffle collar. Actually the top came with a pair of shorts, I’ll show you them later, but the top goes good with lost of things. I mean, just take a look at these nice clothes, do I look like a toddler that’s only 3 feet tall or a young lady getting ready for her morning class at high school?
Of course there were new panties to go with all the new clothes, and I don’t mind showing them you you, so -
Don’t you just love the lace and the little bow?
Oh yeah, while mom was out I got to play with the pussy cats.
I wanted to see what the pussy cats tongue felt like, but mom came home sooner than I expected.
“What did I tell you about the kitties, young lady?”
“If I don’t want a claw in my cunny, don’t tease the pussy?”
“That’s close enough. We'll talk more about this later.”
I was not looking forward to that talk, but mom surprised me. She wasn’t mad and explained a lot of things that nobody in the orphanage ever told me. Mom’s really cool.
I also got a new nightgown, and another wig.
This wig is a dark brown and has lots of wave in it. It looks good on my don’t you think?
Enough for now, I have more new clothes to show off but they will wait until tomorrow. Mom and I have lots of things to do today.
I hope you’re enjoying our story and fashion show.
“What’s the matter?”
“Not in the bathtub!”
“What about the bathtub?”
“No pictures in the bathtub!”
“What’s the problem? With the bubbles you aren’t stowing anything that you didn’t show off yesterday. And you needed a bath after walking around barefoot in the shipping container.”
“But I had hair then!”
“Oh I see, no hair no pictures. I understand now, one is willing exhibitionism where the other is humiliation. I've got it now, no more pictures without your hair.”
“So, what are you going to do with the one you just took?”
“Post it, like all your other pictures.”
I do have an evil streak. :-)
Chapter 3
Well - it actually wasn’t all day, I guess maybe it was just 3 or 4 hours. Well - actually it was probably less than an hour. Then it was back into the truck and into town to fill the water tank in the trailer. Back to the ranch and pump the water from the trailer to the stationary tanks. A second trip and we were done. It was then that mom realized how hot I was.
Mom immediately stripped me down and put me in front of the portable swamp cooler. I spent the next 2 hours parked in that chair. Not that I minded the cool air, but it was sure a pain in my bottom. While sitting in a cool breeze was really nice, I wanted to get out and do some topless soaking up of a little sun. Mom wasn’t going to let me because of how hot I’d been. It took a lot of pleading but mom finally agreed to let me out in the sun for a few minutes, so here we go.
If you look where I’m pointing you can see our nearest neighbor. It’s just about a mile to drive there, as the crow flies it a little over 1/2 a mile. If you look between me and the neighbor you can see some of the trees than mom’s coaxing to grow.
OK mom, I’m ready to get down.
Are you kidding? What do you mean jump? You see these tender feet, and you see that rocky, gravely stuff you’re walking on. What did you call it, - oh yeah, sage brush and kitty litter.
This is mom’s little trailer, where she stays when she’s here overnight.
And on this shot I’m sitting on the hood of mom’s truck. Actually this is mom’s middle truck. I don’t know, mom has 3 trucks, a little one, a middle one, and a big one. Why 3 trucks? You’d have to ask mom.
Well, we’re done for this trip, we filled the water tanks, the damaged irrigation tubing was repaired, and mom found a problem with her program that keeps the trees watered. So it’s time to go home.
“Wait a minute mom. My sun glasses are in with the computer.”
“Silly child, your sun glasses are next to you, on the bag with your clothes.”
“OOPS. Sorry mom.”
“OK mom, we’re ready to go home.”
“Well thank you for giving me your permission.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I know you didn’t, silly. You going to stay awake for the drive home?”
“Sure thing mom - um, how long is it going to take to get home?”
“About 3 & 1/2 hours, just like it took to get here.”
“And we’re going to stop in Snowville for gas?”
“Yes we are.”
“OK, I’m good. 3 & 1/2 hours, no problem”
“Right, and we’re off.”
Hi folks, I guess the heat and running all day took it’s tole on Eili. She only lasted about 30 minutes before she dropped of. Unfortunately all the water I had her drink was more than she could handle while she was zonked. I guess I’ll have to get her some protection for next time. Being 16 I’m sure she’ll complain, but she’s a very small 16.
Until next time.
We're on our way, again. This will be my third trip out to the "Ranch" or as mom calls it "Misfit Acres".
We're still in catch up mode because our posts were accidentally deleted. So, this is how I was dressed for our first trip to mom's place in Nevada. You'll have to wait until we get caught up to see how I'm dressed for this trip. Yes, I was wearing a hand-me-down outfit from Kimmy, but I really didn't mind. It fit me really well and I looked really good in it, don't you think so?
And of course, my pink blankie is by my side. Don't you just love the sunglasses mom found for me?
What a story.
By the way, tomorrow we're going to mom's place in Nevada again, got to keep the trees watered. So there won't be an update tomorrow. This will be our third trip out there and each time mom has had some surprise for me, I wasn't fond of the diaper last time but I it was the best thing for both of us. I wonder what she'll have for me tomorrow?
Oh yeah, some comments from you would be nice, to let us know you are enjoying our little story.
See you soon.
Chapter 2
Hi everyone,
Mom says that to really begin a new life I need to let go of my past life and forgive those that I would like to get even with. So here goes;
First I want to say I’m sorry to Miss Hannigan.
I’m sorry that I hurt you foot, it wasn’t that I jumped on it like the other girls did, Bethany dropped me and I landed on your foot. And, I forgive you for locking me in the closet, for locking me in a crib for a week at a time, I forgive you for not believing me time after time when I’d tell you I hadn’t eaten in a week. Lastly, I forgive you for being just plain mean and not caring about me, because you didn’t care about any of us orphans. Good by Miss Hannagin, what was the movie line - oh yes, “May god have mercy - on your soul.”
Next, I have to say good by and I forgive you to someone who was once my best friend, Marval-Ann.
We arrived at the orphanage about the same time, we played together, we looked out for each other, when you grew bigger then me you protected me, and for those memories I will think of you fondly. Then by some quark of fate, Mother Nature decided to play a nasty trick on both of us, I never grew taller than 3’ 3”, and you never grew breasts. I’m sorry you never grew breasts, but did you have to hate me because I did. I forgive you for turning against me, for being mean to me, for teasing me, and making my life a living nightmare, but I can’t forgive you for putting that stuff on my head that made all my hair fall out. I know it was you, one of the kids in the nursery told me, and if I ever figure out what it was I’ll get some and I’ll sneak back in and I’ll pour it on that massive amount of pubic hair that you, literally, rubbed in my face every chance you got. I know it’s mean of me to wish it, but I would want to be there when you discover that your pussy lips are as bare and smooth an my a--, um, my bottom. Good by Marval-Ann.
Well, that’s done, now to move on. Oh, Mom says that part of moving on with my new life could be choosing a new name, if I want. Gee, nobody has ever ask what I want before. I think I’m really going to like it here. Anyway, there was a lady once, a long time ago, that was kind to me, her name was Eilinore. So, in honor of that nice memory and her I chose to be named Eilinore. Mom giggled and said she’d take care of the paper work to make it legal. Then she called me Eili, and we both giggled.
Oh, More good news, some of my new clothes arrived today and more importantly, a new wig. Although I think I may have goofed when I told mom that I liked lace and things that are frilly. However it was probably a bigger mistake that I told her I kind of liked to show off a bit. I know there’s a word for it, exabish - ah something, but I sort of enjoy going topless. Maybe it’s because I grew breasts and Marval-Ann didn’t. Anyway, mom took some pictures of my new cloths and I thought we’d share.
I know it’s crazy for a girl that’s 16, but I really like the frilly ruffles. Although I asked mom about an undershirt of something before she took this picture. She said, “Hush child, it’s only your back. And besides, you you told me you like to show off.”
She had me there. But look at how long and shiny the hair on my new wig is. Isn’t that great.
I was joking with mom and said that with hair this long I could play like I was Lady Ga- something, you now who I mean. She rode a horse naked through some town. The only problem is, I’m afraid of horses. After all, they’re sooo big and I’m sooo not big. Anyway, I also got a new dress. Brand new to me, not some hand-me-down, and that makes it special.
I know It’s not much, just a nice little sundress, but it’s mine and it’s never been worn by anyone else, and it doesn’t look little girlish. Mom says there are more cloths on the way, lots more. So I guess I have more presents to look forward to. I'm going to be so happy here.
Chapter 1
Hello again.
When we got home mom found me something else to wear, they were hand-me-downs from someone she called Kimmy. Hey, no problem I’m used to hand-me-downs. I was surprised at the panties mom gave me, they had lots of lace. Maybe I shouldn’t have told her that I was kind of a girly girl and I liked ruffles and lace. Anyway, after I got dressed mom thought it would be fun to take some pictures.
I still don't like how loose this brown wig is. It keeps moving around and before I know what's going on the bangs are stabbing me in the eyes.
Well, here’s the red checkered shorts, actually they’re more like bloomers because they’re kind of puffy, but that’s OK. I also got a pink tank top to go with them. The shorts have kind of a half belt attached to each side. I took the two ends and tied them together in front, but mom said they should be tied in back. She tied them for me and it looks much better tied in back.
I asked mom what would happen if I pulled one end of the bow she tied. She said I should pull it and find out.
OOPS, that’s what happens, and mom just happened to have her camera ready. Oh well, I told you the panties had lots of lace. Mom told me that she’s ordered me more clothes. Yes, ordered, as is on-line. We live in a little town and there’s not too many places to shop. Mom also said she ordered me a new wig, something that is designed to fit my head not hers.
Until next time, be happy and remember “Smile, it makes people wonder what you’ve been up to.”