I'm limited in how much weight I can lift. Anna seems like she might be doable (no pun intended) but I'm afraid at 4'5" she's going to seem like a little girl to me, and that is a major turn-off. That's just NOT my thing.
Then I saw this post:
I was thinking that Anna with a tan might look like a short, college age woman, which IS my thing. Anybody know a link to posts with Anna with that full body tan?
@NinjaGirl it just so happens that I own a few tanned color dolls and one of them is an Anna 135, she is actually standing along with some of her sisters on a picture I posted a while back ago.
Also keep in mind that while these dolls are awesome and ready to use out of the box they are also like a white canvases in some ways since you can always add your personal touches to them, you can change their look quite a bit if it is so desired as you may have already notice by pictures posted on the forum.
The 2 dolls wearing white clothing items are tanned, the rest are regular color.
Emma is being shy hiding behind Mia
Here you can see Anna 125 regular in a blue dress and Anna 135 tanned in her white tank top, the doll to the left is Isabella regular color
Anna 135 tanned
Sooo cute !
This pictures are relatively old but hopefully they help
This is a picture of the 135cm Anna Doll, with the head that comes with it, with a Blond Wig, I bought for her...
In the pictures above, that is a different head, on the 135cm Body, just so you know....
While I do not own a Tan Colored Doll, I did a series of comparison Pictures, that may help you....
In the Pictures, the 135cm Anna Doll, is on the left, then the 140cm Lucy Doll, then the 145cm Medium Breast Doll, the 145cm Large Breast Doll, and lastly, on the right, is the 156cm Doll.
135cm on the left, 140cm in the middle, 145cm Medium Breast on the right...
140cm Doll on the left, 145cm Medium Breast center, 145cm Large Breast on the right.
Good comparison on how much bigger the 156cm Doll, on the right, is...vs the 145cm Dolls to her left. She also weighs noticeably more, at 72 lbs...
One last recommendation, if you do choose the Anna Doll, buy the 135cm Size vs the 125cm size. The 135cm size come with Standing Feet, which makes her easier to move around and pose, plus, it’s easier to find Clothes that fit her...